Gritty Cats

Gritty Cats
Provenance Record

This page presents the provenance record of each Gritty Cat that will ever exist. The process to determine the final hash is as follows: To start, each Gritty Cat image is hashed using SHA-256 algorithm. A combined string is obtained by concatenating SHA-256 of each Gritty Cat image in the specific order as listed below. The final proof is obtained by SHA-256 hashing this combined string. This is the final provenance record stored on the smart contract.

Important Information

Each Gritty Cat token ID is assigned to an artwork image from the initial sequence with this formula:

(tokenId + startingIndex) % 3333 → Initial Sequence Index

Here's the relevant information:

Concatentated Hash string

Provenance Record

The table below lists the original index, assigned GCAT Token ID, SHA256 Hash output and IPFS link of each Gritty Cat image.

  • Initial Sequence Index
  • |
  • Assigned Gritty Cat Token Id
  • |
  • sha-256 hash
  • |
  • ipfs hash